Research Intern (m/f/d) in Plant Breeding and Related Fields

Research Intern (m/f/d) in Plant Breeding and Related Fields

Berufsfeld:  Züchtung

Einbeck, Niedersachsen, DE Mehrere, Mehrere, DE Wanzleben-Börde, Sachsen-Anhalt, DE Wetze/Northeim, Niedersachsen, DE Seligenstadt, Bayern, DE Prosselsheim, Bayern, DE Petkus, BB, DE

Gesellschaft:  KWS SAAT SE & Co. KGaA (0001)
Vollzeit?:  Ja
Vor Ort/ Ortsungebunden:  Vor Ort
ID:  14968


Make yourself grow!


Would you like to gain practical experience within plant breeding, digital phenotyping, data analysis, biostatistics, phytopathology, field trialing, seed sciences, or other related fields of plant breeding? 


What awaits you in an internship position:

  • The opportunity to gain significant insights into commercial plant breeding practices

  • Hands-on tasks: You will be involved in diverse technical tasks and experience a broad range of techniques in that respective season. In some cases, you might work on your own small project 

  • You will be hosted by a working group matching your study profile

  • Your KWS home base will be either in Einbeck or another breeding station in DE or even abroad. Some traveling might, in some cases, be part of your internship

  • You are in dialogue with your supervisor to develop personally and professionally

  • Establishment of contacts in the company in order to facilitate the entry into professional practice

  • Team spirit and respectful cooperation


You should bring that with you:

  • You are a student of agricultural sciences, plant breeding, phytopathology, seed sciences, data sciences, biology, or other relevant courses of study. For further disciplines/specializations you could also submit your application, we check within our teams if there is a matching opportunity corresponding to your background.

  • You indicate your field of interest in your application – and supplement it with transcripts of records, so the putative supervisors can assess your knowledge to build on

  • You identify with our corporate values: team spirit, proximity, trust, independence, and vision

  • Good to very good academic performance and relevant language skills round off your profile



We will be happy to receive your complete application including CV, motivation letter, transcripts of records and other relevant certificates. Please state in your motivation letter your planned start date and duration of the internship.

Based on your academic background and experiences, we will try to match you with a fitting internship placement. 
Please note only complete applications can be considered.


You can find more advertised internship positions in our Job Portal. By submitting your application, you agree to an internal forwarding to relevant departments.

If you have general questions about internships and theses, please visit our FAQ page.




Über KWS
KWS ist eines der führenden Pflanzenzüchtungsunternehmen weltweit. Knapp 5.000 Mitarbeiter in mehr als 70 Ländern erwirtschafteten im Geschäftsjahr 2023/2024 einen Umsatz von rund 1,68 Mrd. Euro. Seit fast 170 Jahren wird KWS als familiengeprägtes Unternehmen eigenständig und unabhängig geführt. Schwerpunkte sind die Pflanzenzüchtung und die Produktion sowie der Verkauf von Zuckerrüben-, Mais-, Getreide-, Gemüse-, Raps- und Sonnenblumensaatgut. KWS setzt modernste Methoden der Pflanzenzüchtung ein, um die Erträge der Landwirte zu steigern sowie die Widerstandskraft von Pflanzen gegen Krankheiten, Schädlinge und abiotischen Stress weiter zu verbessern. Um dieses Ziel zu realisieren, investierte das Unternehmen im vergangenen Geschäftsjahr mehr als 300 Mio. Euro in Forschung und Entwicklung. Weitere Informationen: Folgen Sie uns auf LinkedIn® unter

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